
Аватар 200x200200px200px
Размер картинки: 1024 x 1024 Глаза
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Описания картинки

The image presents a close-up view of an eye, characterized by its distinctive features and textures. The iris is predominantly brown with lighter shades around the edges, while the pupil appears black. The eyelid surrounding the eye exhibits a wrinkled texture, giving it a unique appearance. A thick layer of furrowed skin above the upper eyebrow adds to the overall texture of the image. The eyebrow itself is dark in color and features several strands of hair that are longer than the rest, with some reaching towards the upper eyelid. These strands have been styled to create a subtle wave effect. The eye's gaze is directed straight ahead, giving the impression that it is focused on something in front of it. Overall, the image showcases a detailed and realistic representation of an eye, complete with intricate textures and features.
Картинки и фото на тему глаза | Скачать аватары с глазом (eyes)
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